
Scientific blogs: new section of Zientzia.eus

2015/10/21 Elhuyar Zientzia

The scientific blogosphere has a window on the zientzia.eus portal. In fact, zientzia eus has added a section to make known to the blog the contents of science fans with a double objective: to strengthen the community of Basque scientists and offer a more complete offer to users who seek scientific content.

Since its creation in 2001, the zientzia.eus website has aimed to socialize science and technology in Basque. Elhuyar collects and offers in an integrated way the scientific contents, both written and radio, produced by Elhuyar for the general public.

Now it has opened a window to researchers, professors, scientists and scientists in general dedicated to scientific dissemination on the internet, through the section of Scientific Blogs. In this way, zientzia.net aims to be a reference point of scientific and technological contents created in Basque to strengthen the community among Basque scientists and offer a broader and comprehensive offer to users who seek quality scientific content.

Add your blog

Through a button enabled in the right column of the web, simply fill out a small form to add your own blog and that the new articles appear in the section Scientific blogs. The only requirements are to publish scientific content in Basque and be able to subscribe via RSS.

San Wolfram. Physical, chemical, analog and anthological event.

Ed. Post Office

Being one of the objectives of the new section to strengthen the community of fans of Basque science, we could not miss the opportunity to physically unite the disseminators. To do this, we organized an event of brief scientific monologues of humor, on 4 November in the plenary hall of Bergara.

The event will take place at 19:30 and will be attended by the following speakers: Ibon Cancio, Koldo Garcia, Ines Garmendia, Josu Lezameta, Josu Lopez-Gazpio, Uxune Martinez, Jon Mattin Matxain, Amaia Portugal and Idoia Torregarai.

The name and place of the event are no coincidence, since in the seminary of Bergara the Elhuyar brothers isolated wolfram, the contribution of Basque science to the periodic table. The Wolfram will be a great opportunity to enjoy science in a festive atmosphere, and you are all invited. The event will conclude with a guided tour of the Laboratorium Museum, recently inaugurated in Bergara.

More than 17,800 content

Zientzia.net has more than 17,800 contents, all of them entirely in Basque. They are contents about science and technology in different formats: articles, interviews, photo galleries, videos, audios, agenda, books... and now also blogs. To move easily in all this content, it offers the possibility to browse topics and, of course, the contents of the new section will be listed in thematic searches.

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia