
The European ice sheet is thicker than expected

2002/05/23 Elhuyar Zientzia

Europe is one of Jupiter's satellites that has the entire surface covered by a stable ice sheet. According to scientists, their slow rotation and the magnetic force of the surface show that under ice there can be oceans.

For these characteristics, scientists consider that it is the place with the most possibilities of life in the Solar System. For this reason, Nasa has been preparing its mission to send it for some time and in 2008 plans to send a spacecraft that will orbit around Europe.

But now this intention can go bankrupt by stating what scientist Paul Schenk of the Texas Institute for Analysis of the Moon and Planets has exposed in the journal Nature. According to him, the European ice sheet is very thick, between 19 and 25 km. Such a layer would have enormous difficulties in studying the underlying ocean.

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