
Supernova of the future

2000/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Astronomers have advanced that within 200 million years the star KPD1930+2752 will burst as a supernova. KPD1930+2752 is a system consisting of two stars, one large and hot and one weak and dense, the nano white. Stars revolve around a common gravitational center, but the distance between them

for their small size will collide with each other within 200 million years. The resulting body will not be stable and burst like Casi supernova. Almost all supernova explosions are the same, that is, they emit the same light. This allows astronomers to know the distance from which supernovae have occurred. In supernovae, for example, astronomers have been able to verify that the universe is expanding and that expansion is accelerating. The KPD1930+2752 system, relatively close to Earth, makes it an ideal research space for astronomers. The system will allow you to check if all type Ia supernovae are the same and better define their characteristics.

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