Education for school health
1989/06/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The importance of health is evident. In this school stage, many experiences and knowledge that generate habits, attitudes and criteria useful for health in the child are strengthened. Through these experiences/knowledge the child is aware of his responsibility in the individual health and that of others.
Does the school have peculiarities?
The importance of school in health education would be based on the following points:
- There is the possibility of reaching all children.
- The child spends a lot of time in school.
- It is a very appropriate time because children are building their identity and that is why they are very receptive.
- The teacher is offered the possibility of receiving health information along with other information, globalized, games, etc.
- Influence of teachers on the child.
Importance of the role of the teacher
Teachers are models or guidelines for children who imitate their behavior. This is why it is understood very clearly the importance of offering positive models or examples (relative to smoking, cleaning, etc. ).
Education for health, as well as many other types of education, is not the transmission of pure information, but the creation of what we want to transmit (more clear and important still in the parvular), and better achieved than with what they say this through the behavior of teachers.
Teachers are the ones who know the child the most (except for parents and sometimes better than these).
Basic fundamentals of the health program
- First, a health program should be present at all school levels, at all levels. from the parvular to teaching at all levels.
- Adaptation. Adapted to the needs, capacities and other characteristics of society (customs, beliefs, etc. ). It is not the same to work in Euskal Herria as in another type of society. For this purpose, surveys, statistics, interviews and all necessary material will be used.
It must be adapted to the characteristics of the child, especially at his age. For this reason,
- Children under 9 mainly need HABITS
- Between 10 and 11 years we must work on BEHAVIORS and HABITS.
- In 12-13 years, behaviors, habits and knowledge.
But we must not forget here the role that the family (and also society itself) plays at this point.
- Let the child put into practice what he learnt in school at home.
- At home, so that what he learns in school can be postponed (or even opposed)
- The importance that can have the environment close to the child (society, but especially the neighborhood).
- Finally, this education for health should be taught in a coordinated and globalized manner with other matters. (Physical education, Biology, Nature Sciences, etc.) ).
What would be the objectives of this program?
- Learn actions and behaviors that favor your body.
- Know the next environment factors necessary for the proper functioning of your body: light, air, space, noise, ...
- To know and dominate somehow the factors external to the classroom (patio, streets or surrounding fields)
- Know the factors that can be dangerous in the different places through which it runs.
- Establish good relationships with friends and teachers, since the classroom is for the child the main place of relationship after the family.
- Make you feel that you are within a society and that your education is related to society, family, etc.
- Make health feel like something valuable and you will always have to fight for it.
- Create and consolidate active and critical behaviors towards the child.
A broad agenda can be used to work out the general objectives mentioned. You must collect at least:
- Cleaning and personal hygiene
- Physical exercise, sleep, rest and relaxation.
- Feeding, nutrition (maintenance) and growth.
- Oral health.
- Structure and functioning of the human body.
- Prevention and control of diseases.
- Prevention of accidents. Security and first aid.
- Mental and emotional health.
- Sexual health. Evolution of sexuality.
- Level of health of the environment.
- Alcohol, tobacco, drugs.
- Correct use of health services.
School Health Studies
These medical recognitions include an important part of the school hygiene program, but of course there are other actions and pathways.
• What are these studies?
They are systematic and routine studies in apparently healthy children. In this way, the objective of detecting and diagnosing health problems that can be corrected by health care services will be met early.
• What are the objectives of these studies?
- Not necessarily reducing school morbidity and mortality.
- However, they are useful to reduce chronic morbidity.
- They are of great value to improve the future quality of life of the person.
• Usefulness of these studies
The usefulness depends on the existence of diseases and diseases known by the student himself or his parents.
In our environment, systematic school health studies continue to have a high “performance” (h.d. Many anomalies that were already unknown are detected) and on the other hand, health services are capable, in most cases, of solving the problems detected.
For this reason, we can consider the implementation of a program of medical recognitions to schoolchildren useful and convenient.
• Periodicity of these studies
Accepting the convenience of these studies, it is important to mark a minimum periodicity in which they must be performed. Among us, the necessary or compulsory schooling begins at six years and comprises the cycle of the eight EGB courses. Taking into account these data, three moments have been selected in the EGB cycle, in the most appropriate way to study the school:

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