Strengthen the muscles of skiing
1992/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Although this year is about to finish the ski, any time to advise is good. From the reports presented by Dr. Brigitte Valois in a Parisian magazine we have extracted interesting ideas.
Just like any athlete does warm-up exercises before starting to practice sport, from three weeks before starting to ski, it is convenient to strengthen the muscles of the legs. It is true that skiing is not a very dynamic sport (it is tonic), but being the feet attached to skis suffer a great fatigue. In addition, as many skiers do not practice sport throughout the year, there are more and more reasons to strengthen the muscles in the previous three weeks.

As for accidents, it can be said that every skier has suffered an accident. The highest percentage of accidents occurs at the end of the day or the third or fourth day (for example, in those that travel one week).
The adaptation to the altitude does not pose many problems, since most of the European ski resorts are at about 2,000 m of altitude. However, what can cause some small problem is the effort at that height. The lack of acclimatization is especially appreciated when one or two days are held.
The last factor is that corresponding to cold. • Significant changes since you are practicing the sport until you are at rest. Therefore, warm, body-tight garments should be used.

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