Trying to save the black rhinoceros
1993/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The population of black rhinos has declined in the last two decades. In 1970 there were 65,000 copies, in 1989 there were 4,000 and now only 2,600.

The main cause of the descent is hunting, as hunters look for the branches of rhinos. To deal with this reason it was decided to cut the branches to rhinoceroses and in some African states some tests have been done. By eliminating the branches to rhinoceroses, states can control the branch market by establishing a price policy.
However, there have been notable changes from theory to practice, as some states have started their business journey while maintaining prices. As a result, traffickers have been able to continue collecting branches.
In addition, the elimination of the branches of rhinoceroses requires the use of anesthesia, which has meant a mortality of 20%. In addition, the abortion rate has also grown and remains defenseless against predatory animals.
The controversy over this problem is huge, but the rhinoceros population is declining.

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