Time trial
1998/01/01 Kaltzada, Pili - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Harder than expected, seeing the results. The latest climate summit has approved reducing emissions from six greenhouse gases, it is true, but most cases this reduction will be lower than expected or desired.
The greenhouse effect, although what we have heard lately is no more remedy, is necessary for there to be life on Earth, for us to be ourselves. Without that immense greenhouse on ourselves, we end the history of living beings in this ball, because we need the conditions that this effect generates to keep alive. Yes, to the extent. The excessive heating of the greenhouse causes an unbridled increase in the average temperature and prevents life. In fact, ditxos gases are responsible for maintaining this balance at its point. Or if we look at the current situation, we should say that these gases have lost balance.
80% of the greenhouse effect is due to carbon oxide (IV), gas that easily detaches any fossil fuel. The excess emission of this gas has begun to occur since the Industrial Revolution, due to industrial activity. But not only him.
In the world there are 450 million cars wandering; thousands of planes and ships; and at least in the developed world we spend electricity without measures. Only by adequately protecting windows and doors in all U.S. households would they reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20%.
Most of Kyoto's talks on this gas have taken place around carbon dioxide, but finally, the government agreement will regulate emissions of six gases. They are all gases of different effect and use, but no one doubts that the greenhouse effect is increasing.
Being an increasingly compact greenhouse, the Earth will tend to heat hopelessly. In recent months there has also been much talk about the effects and consequences. Kyoto has been a huge chess game in which for 10 days the participants have moved the pieces very carefully and have not achieved spectacular results. We have to review all the pieces if we want to know the development of the party. Kyoto has been a giant puzzle and each piece has its place.
Protocol detail
BACKGROUNDOfficial name of the Kyoto Summit 3rd Framework Convention on Climate Change It is a congress. Before the Japan meeting, the following sessions were held to reflect on the climate situation: Toronto Conference (1988) Before the Berlin meeting, all members of the United Nations had the right to participate in these meetings, but since the first summit they are only open to the governments that have signed the Framework Agreement. Why hasn't a more effective commitment been achieved?The inability of the Kyoto agreement to capture the tastes and interests of all representatives was known. Countries most affected by violent climate change, especially the Association of Small Islands Threatened by the Sea (AOSIS), have requested a 20% reduction in emissions compared to 90 levels, but industrialized states have not exceeded 5%. It was very difficult to interact. In vain have been the prestigious attempts made by the environmental groups at the Conference Hall in Kyoto and, finally, the expectations have been met: somehow a solution has been adopted so that it does not manifest too much before the citizens. The final solution seems to be taken at the next summit. |

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