Construction on metro
1991/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Pasteur Institute has built a new virus research house in Paris. It has cost 100 million pounds and has 4,685 square meters. In the ten laboratories of this house work 120 researchers and many other technicians and administrative. Right now, most are investigating AIDS.
The construction presents a series of unique features. The floor of the house is 12,800 tons and is over 246 docks. The function of these docks is to absorb the vibrations generated by the Paris metro. In addition, and to prevent the escape of viruses into the atmosphere, the laboratory's four high-security cells have filtered and controlled air.
Since the Pasteur Institute began research on AIDS in 1984, this department's budget is six times higher. It is currently the fifth part of the general budget, that is, 150 million pounds.

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