Enrike Zuazua Iriondo Matematikari ikertzailea

"We are waves. Without waves there would be no beat, laughter, crying of the heart"

2014/05/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Enrike Zuazua lives mathematics with passion. This is recognized and noted. For example, by answering questions you cannot hide your attraction, your fascination with mathematics. But he does not stay there, and tries to infect that fascination because he is convinced that mathematics is one of the main engines of society.
What has surprised you most, altered or fascinated you since you started working?

In general, I am surprised every day the miracle of mathematics. Mathematics is a tool invented and created by the human being to understand the environment. And I find it incomprehensible that it is so precise, so strong.

The largest scientists also declared themselves humble before mathematics. Einstein, in his last days, placed nature above science. Newton mentioned God as the only possible author of a universe organized by mathematical laws. Leonardo da Vinci said there were no certainties in places where mathematics could not be applied. Galileo, when the universe was written in the language of mathematics...

I am fascinated by the possibility of living from within mathematics. Observer of his fascinating strength and, to a certain extent, being a creator makes me feel privileged.

Since I started working I am on the road, like the mountaineers climbing the mountain. But the road has only begun. Always learning... There is still much to climb to the first summit.

On the other hand, although I am a student, I also have the opportunity to teach others as a professional. This ensures the future of the chain. In fact, man, besides being able to create mathematics, has been able to guarantee his future.

What would you like to witness the revolution or the discovery in your trajectory?

In the sport it is said that the important thing is to compete, not win. In mathematics I would say the same thing, what I like is to work. I enjoy it and would like it to continue like this. But I would also like to arouse interest in mathematics. Therefore, in addition to the confidential work of the office, we also work in conducting interviews, etc.

In fact, mathematics is one of the major engines of society. And if Euskal Herria really assumed it, this small and small town would have the opportunity to take a step forward.

In Euskal Herria we have made a great effort to complete our network. I think we now need to integrate these energies so that young people have new competitive opportunities in an International School of Basque Doctoral Excellence.

On the other hand, in the year 2000 mathematicians chose the seven problems of the millennium. It has only been resolved: Perelman showed in 2006 that Poincaré's conjecture was true. The rest remains unresolved.

Anyway, I'm not talking about those issues. My area are the waves, I dedicate myself to developing the simulation tools necessary to analyze their behavior. And I have lived my field with a lot of passion. Because we are waves. Without waves there would be no beat, laughter, crying. The theme is worth it.

Enrike Zuazua Iriondo
Enrike Zuazua Iriondo (Eibar, 1961) is the founding director of BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), where she is a researcher at the Ikerbasque Foundation. He is also Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Specializing in the field of waves, he has received numerous awards, the last one last month of February: The prestigious Humboldt Research Award.

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