Empastes causes dermatitis
2001/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to a study by a group of Japanese researchers, mercury tooth fillings can cause atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease of the skin that produces growth and scales, especially in the head.
The allergist Tsunetoshi Shimazu and dentist Nagakazu Ko have investigated for 8 years the situation of 300 patients with atopic dermatitis and mercury fillings.

Both experts, using metals other than mercury or plastic components, made new fillings to 300 people. After the change, 70% of patients significantly improved their state of dermatitis and 58% a year completely disappeared. In addition to the fillings, both experts conducted allergic tests with the patients. The results indicate that 98% were allergic to mercury.
In addition to the patients, the Japanese studied with 250 students. 48% of those who had mercury fillings had atopic dermatitis, while in those who did not have this percentage only reached 8%.
Therefore, both researchers have requested that mercury fillings be banned. In fact, in Japan a ton of mercury is used per year to make fillings, while in other places it is forbidden to use with children or pregnant women.

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