Females like it and males are more and more dolls
2001/03/13 Elhuyar Zientzia

Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution. According to this theory, animal species improve, evolve better. The males of the bird species are increasingly large, spectacular and colorful. And this is because females choose the most spectacular males to be copulated and descendants. Because looking good in males means being in good health, and for chickens to be healthy, parents also have to be that way.
But this evolution for spectacularity is more evident in non-monogamous bird species, that is, polygynics. In these cases the goal is to cover as many females as possible, but for these to choose should be as elegant as possible. That is what happens to the pauma of the image. In monogamous species, the visibility of males is lower. And in these cases the males participate in the care of the chickens and for this they can not be very spectacular, since otherwise they could more easily attract predators.

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