
Ekaia magazine turns twenty

2010/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ekaia magazine turns twenty
01/01/2010 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

Ekaia magazine, edited by the UPV/EHU, is twenty years old. In the celebration of the anniversary, Mr. Jazinto Iturbe, the first vice-rector of the Basque Country of the UPV, and the first person promoted the creation of the magazine Ekaia were honored. The event also presented the number 22 of the magazine Ekaia, last issue that has been published recently.

It is a magazine in Basque with a high degree of dissemination, so the publication of each issue is a great effort. At present they publish approximately one number a year, but it has not always been so: although in the first years they published two numbers, in some years no number was published.

In the last two years the director of the magazine has been Josu Juice. And being in that position, he looks forward to the future. "The main challenge of our magazine has always been to consolidate the magazine itself," he says. "We have to promote a lot to make it known. I think today it is imperative that people can easily access the magazine. That's why the university is pushing electronic journals; Ekaia will also go that way."


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