
Einstein in Basque, 1923

2001/09/01 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Numerous scientific research is made known in specialized magazines, newspapers, internet... Each selects the source of information based on their knowledge and curiosity, as well as the language. Currently, although the language of scientists is English, general topics are available in any language. But the accounts were very different. At the beginning of the 20th century, and an example of this is the 1923 article that concerns us.

Humility reigns

At the beginning of the century, when there were few scientific studies and fewer means of communication with respect to our time, it was not usual that the work of scientists was collected, and what to say about Basque! That is not to say that at that time nothing was done, much less, but the article of that time that accounts for Einstein's theories deserves a special mention.

German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was one of the great innovators of modern science and revolutionized the concept of the universe.

Fortunately, the article was published in the Euzkadi newspaper of January 5, 1923, when Einstein published his theories and discoveries.

The writer is unknown and besides making it clear that he was not a scientist, he treats the subject very carefully. The humility shown by the writer from the beginning demonstrates the respect he had for the subject and that such articles were not common in Basque. However, Einstein's theories radically changed the theories of the universe and shot the scientists, so he saw the need to express them in Basque.

The article starts: Ortzeatza’s new idea of “Einstein” has given much to say among the speakers. Even though we are not Ortzilaris (much less) we are left to say something, although not to give us good or bad to the corrupt (the theories), if it is to give the news of the holidays in Basque in a very special way. In Basque, we have said, goes, badly said, forgives and invents the sheep.”

Even before going full into Einstein's theories, it begins with: “I understand the work and discoveries much more for us.”

Direct testimony

The priority of this article is to make Einstein's theories known, but it begins with a review of Galileo's life and discoveries. Let us go on to explain the phrase “Galileo”. Galileo says: The rules of ascension (mechanical laws) have had nothing to do with the correct configuration (system), when the sweatshirt is one and the same.”

He then exposes the theories of contemporary Einstein. German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) revolutionized the concept of the universe, which appears clearly in the text.

Einstein learned violin because of his mother and had a great hobby throughout his life.

“In the face of the new corruptions of Einstein” has shaken the yakidia of yesteryear, has launched the time and false temperance of wide exaltation, both the current Irruption and the existence of the bulture (utsunegai, eter), and all the rules of the Universal Dance (I) of Euklides, Teacht.

Einstein published in 1916 the General Theory of Relativity which gave a new model of gravity. It emits new conceptions of time and space and a close relationship between mass and energy (E= mc2). One of the consequences is that the mass curves the space and the light itself, passing by a body of great mass, deviates from the direct path.

This is explained by the text of the beginning of the century. “Among many other striking things, Einstein has stated that light is a habit and that passing the light of the stars by the sun is compared to the force of attraction of the sun. At night, when the sun is behind us, because there are no attractive forces of the sun ahead, the rays of light come straight, while by day it comes poorly lit. And if we see the stars with their light, and if the rays of light go wrong, we see the stars in a bad place.”

Albert Einstein with Charlie Chaplin.

To demonstrate this, astronomers took photos of the firmament in the nights leading up to the 1919 and 1923 eclipses and sunlight. “At sunset in 1919, it was exactly the same as it has now been in Agorra. And take pictures of kneading by day. Einstein” saved, announcing the new 13 star locations. It has also happened as Arek told him. Basque Government Environment Advisor Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta, Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta, Ainhoa Zabalo, Eneko Lartige, Ainhoa Zabalo, Ainhoa Zabalo, Ainhoa Zabalo, Ainhoa Zabalo, Ainhoa Bizhoa

The finishing tone of the article is also the same.

“Let’s finish. We will not say what a friend of yours had, in the good world the only truth is that everything is a lie.

We will say less: if it is total or regulatory, if there is nothing, that Einstein will function as a corrupt nobait of it.

Last shot. Don't be hard. Because we write in a beine and it is a new problem, we have dared. But forgive.”

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

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