The largest eruption of the Solar System
2001/10/08 Elhuyar Zientzia

In Jupiter's Io satellite, astronomers have seen the huge column of smoke emitted by the eruption of a volcano.

NASA scientists receive a photo of the eruption of a volcano from the Galileo probe, in the orbit of Jupiter. This volcano, moreover, was not known. The eruption has created a gas column 500 kilometers high, the largest observed so far in the solar system. The probe has "trapped" some particles in this large column of gases. This probe has been the first option for sampling and analysis.
Of Jupiter's four largest satellites, the closest to the planet is Io. This satellite has a great seismic activity, it is considered that Io is the most active of the entire solar system. The Galileo probe has passed over the north pole of Io and has sent numerous images to Earth. Among other things, he has sent a photo of this great eruption.
Within two weeks the probe will pass above the south pole, and scientists may collect other surprising data.

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