Slimming by day and fattening by night
1992/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
If you make a diet to lose weight, but instead of losing weight you are getting fat, this news will be interesting. Neil Kavey, director of a laboratory in New York to treat sleep problems, asked those affected by the above problem: “Aren’t you going to visit the fridge when you’re sleeping?

This expert had more conviction than to raise this question. For this reason, he analyzed three people who, in his opinion, would try to eat while they were sleeping. The tests carried out turned into reality what at first was no more than a suspicion, that is, that the three people slept impressive meals.
After this test, he decides to analyze another fifteen patients. These patients, in all cases, made huge banquets during the night. All were very concerned about weight control and therefore were subject to some diet of thinning. While they were awake they could control hunger, but when they slept all the mental mechanisms relaxed and what they could not do by day they did at night.
These people ate as if they had an incredible hunger and most of the time raw food.
Although the goal of Kavey's therapy is to eliminate anxiety about eating, it is essential to close at the same time the kitchen or the refrigerator with key during the night.

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