1992/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Dr. La Puma and friends of the Illinois General Hospital in the United States distributed a questionnaire among doctors at a university hospital. Of the 691 possible doctors 465 answered the questions. The objective of this questionnaire was to know the medical care of the relatives of these physicians.

Of the 465 physicians, 461 (99%) indicated that they had requested advice, diagnosis or treatment for a relative; 386 (83%) stated that they had received medicines for a relative; 372 diagnosed some disease; 334 (72%) did some medical examination; 68 (15%) stated that a family member had been hospitalized, while 372% acknowledged being the superior doctor of their family.
In addition, 152 (33%) have treated another doctor for inadequate behavior (not performing necessary reviews, inadequate medical procedures, etc.) He says he has seen and that the 103 has had to file a claim for the above reasons.
The mere generalization of the results of this study does not seem correct, but can give some explanation about professional ethics.

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