Dilation, heat, etc.
1996/11/01 Bandres Unanue, Luis Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Free watches?
We will see how to make an automatic watch that by thermal expansion does not need rope. In the image below you can see the mechanism of such a watch. Although all the elements are necessary, the most important are the Z 1 and Z 2. These rods are made with a special alloy of very high expansion coefficient. But how does it work?
One of the ends of the Z 1 paleton is located on one of the teeth of the X wheel, so that if the paleton is extended by pushing the knife to the blade, the wheel is rotated. The Z 2 pallet is located on one of the teeth of the Y wheel so that when it is cold the wheel rotates in the same direction as the previous one. These wheels are located on Axis W 1, which moves the hedge wheel. Garments carry mercury in the lower container to the upper container.
From this boat, the mercury goes towards the train of the left wheel and filling these the second wheel is thrown. This will transmit the movement to the upper K 2 axis through the K chain. Then the K 2 axis will trace the spring of the clock mechanism.
What happens to the mercury that has gone to the left crossing? It will return from the vessel with slope R 1 to the starting point, rounding the cycle. The mechanism will work constantly while the sticks Z 1 and Z 2 are dilated. Consequently, we can say that to keep the clock running, it is enough to change the temperature of the area. As this happens in Nature, it does not need human help. Therefore, the variation of the ambient temperature makes the watch spring gradually stretch, but without interruptions.

But can we say that movement is a continuous motor? Of course! This clock has its source of energy, that is, the heat energy that surrounds it. The work generated by the expansion, on the other hand, is cumulative on the watch spring for use in the continuous movement of the hands. Consequently, in energetic terms we can say that it is a free watch, since it does not need ‘anything’ to produce energy. But do not forget that the energy source is the Sun itself that warms the Earth and the air.
There is another similar automatic watch. In this second, it is the most important element of the mechanism. This, when dilated due to the change of temperature, raises a weight of great load and the mechanism of the clock is launched when the load falls. Glycerin solidifies to -30ºC and evaporates to 290ºC. Consequently, it can be said that this mechanism can be used in the clocks of the squares or on the outside, since the change of temperature of two degrees is enough to move the clock. In addition, they had a watch of this type tested for a year and the result obtained was totally satisfactory, suffered no breakdowns during that period.
So why aren't larger motors that use this power source manufactured? It seems that such engines can be very cheap, but random calculations do not say the same.
A conventional clock needs an approximate power of 1/7 kilograms for twenty-four hours. Therefore, for a second you need 1/600,000 kilograms. Knowing that the power of a horse is 75 kgm/s, the mechanism of such a watch would need 1/45,000,000 horsepower. That is, although both the wedges of the first watch and the necessary glycerin in the second did not worth more than one cent in such an engine, 450,000 pesetas. should be included for each equine power (one cent x 45,000,000 = 450,000). And this is too much to say that it is ‘free’.
Do heaters heat up?
What a question! someone might think. And with all reason, because the name itself answers the question, the ‘shelter’. But is it? Let's make an attempt. Take the thermometer, check the grades it marks and put them in a coat. After several hours, go out and check how much brand. Are you in the first? Yes! Therefore, nothing has been heated.
Therefore, we must say that the heat does not heat. And if someone tells us that the heat cools, what will we answer? Let's make another attempt. Grab two cups and fill with ice. Surround one of them with heating and leave the other out. Wait for the ice found in the outer cup to melt. Then take out the one that is wrapped in heating. What do you bring? Let the ice melt! Therefore, the heat does not heat the ice and although it cannot be said otherwise, it has delayed liquefaction. So can we say that the coats are bites?
No, neither one nor another. The heat does not heat by itself, at least if with that word we understand ‘giving heat’. Bulbs yes, fires too, bodies, … All of them are sources of heat but not coats. Heat does not give heat, its function is not to expel body heat, and not another. Therefore, all warm-blooded animals, whose bodies are heat source, have more heat than without heating. On the contrary, the thermometer does not produce heat by itself and therefore does not change when collected in a coat. And with ice the same happens, the ice maintains its low temperature when concentrated with heating, that is, since the difficulty for heat exchange makes the outside heat not easily find the way to get to the ice.
In the same way and as heating, the snow "warms" the earth. Snow is a very bad driver that greatly hinders the heat of the earth beneath it. In very cold areas, the soil temperature under snow is usually equal to or above ten degrees above the outside temperature.
So, from now on, to the reader, when they ask you if your heat warms you well or not, you have to answer that the heat does not heat me, in addition to heating myself, it also warms the coat and not the other way around. Finally, the reader, since shelter is a new word in Basque, can we use the word ‘notch’ to express that clothing.

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