
Diphtheria, the ghost that has returned

1995/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Although until now the trend has been to control and reduce the spread of the disease, new cases of diphtheria have been known in the territories of Russia and the Soviet Union and the red light has been lit. This year, diphtheria behavior data have been released in the last two years.

The spread of diphtheria has undoubtedly increased. Last year, 47,802 new cases were detected in the countries of the former Soviet Union and 1,746 were affected by the diffusion. According to the researchers, the fact that there have been large population movements could explain the current situation. However, no measures have been released to combat the epidemic.

Data has been collected at the U.S. Communicable Disease Research Center. and confirm that the disease is spreading uncontrollably. If no short-term action is taken, diphtheria will reach the adjacent territories. Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Poland and Norway have been considered risky areas.

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