
Need for mental protection

1988/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cyclists show more mental injuries than motorists. Therefore, the advice of the researchers is to wear the helmet.

The opening of special routes for cyclists is becoming more and more normal. However, most cyclists are seen on conventional roads.

Since many students at the University of Oxford use the bike, an analysis of accidents has been carried out on their trips. With one month of expiration, 0.9 km and 0.4 km were injured on conventional roads.

The study showed that cyclists had more mental injuries than motorists. While a third of cyclists suffered head injuries, among motorists this figure was 15%. On the contrary, while among motorists it is normal to wear helmet, among cyclists only 0.7%. Therefore, the advice of the researchers is to wear the helmet.

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