
A treasure hidden in the jungle of Borneo

2004/12/28 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

An expedition made by an international group of scientists has found a treasure in the karst system of Borneo: two species of fish and several species of insects, rodents and vegetables unknown so far

The expedition, which has lasted five weeks, has discovered that in the area, in addition to these species that were not previously known, there are other very rare and solitary species in Borneo. All these findings have been made in eastern Kalimantan.

The participants in the expedition, in view of so many special endemic species, have appealed to protect this territory. In fact, illegal logging and mining are frequent in these areas and fires are increasing. These fires threaten the habitat of these species.

Photo: Harry Wiriadanata

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