Man arrived in Asia in a single season
2010/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Research conducted by the SNP Consortium in Pan-Asia of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) has reinforced the hypothesis that man toured Africa to Asia in a single season. Likewise, the research has questioned the hypothesis that several scientists have raised that, in two moments, human beings arrived from Africa to Asia in two groups, so physically the Malays, Filipinos and Negritos from Asia and the rest of Asians are so different.
In their single-wave research they have spent five years studying the DNA of nearly 2,000 people. All of these individuals have studied mononucleotide polymorphism, widely used in this type of study, specifically polymorphism around 55,000 nucleotides in the people analyzed. The study concludes that the bold genome largely matches the genome of Southeast Asian populations, suggesting that both have a common ancestor.
However, it is not the first research to reach that conclusion. In another 2005 study with mitochondrial DNA analysis they reached a similar conclusion at Leeds University in the UK.

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