
Surgical intervention for bifid spine correction

1999/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The bifid spine is a failure of the nervous system that occurs when the fetal spine is revealed in the first moments of pregnancy. Children have unsealed art, which can cause serious problems such as limb paralysis, kidney, intestinal, and brain problems, and worse, death. Until now it was operated after birth, but then children had to be hospitalized often to remove fluids from the brain and fix problems of legs, kidneys or lungs.

An operation has been performed at the Philadelphia Pediatric Hospital to correct the error during pregnancy. The procedure is performed between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, covering the spine of the fetus with human skin. This method does not eliminate the error, but it manages to smooth some effects. The main advantage is that children have to draw less brain fluids; the disadvantage is that delivery is premature in all cases, as it usually occurs between 30 and 37 weeks.

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