
Shaping the tree of life

2008/07/03 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Tree of Life Web Project was launched in 1995. The objective of this project is to inform the maximum about the diversity and phylogeny or kinship of living beings. It is about gathering information, images and data of interest from all species and groups of living beings.

To the web itself they have given the form of a ramified tree, which can move from one branch or page to another to know any type of life and kinship between the living. The contributions are made by people from all over the world, with information from experts in each of the topics and images, both experts and non-experts. This is a photo of the spider Araneus quadratus, made by the Italian expert in earth sciences Cesare Bricio.

Image: Image: Cesare Brizio

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