
Life is born in rivers

2002/04/16 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

According to the group of researchers studying the formation of cell membranes, it is easier to form membranes in fresh water than in salt water.

A team of researchers from the University of California tries to discover how the membranes of the first cells that appeared on Earth emerged. With the first results of the study, it was concluded that the initial cells were formed in fresh water.

Structure of the cell membrane.

It consists of basic phospholipid membranes of any organelle or cell. Phospholipids molecules are known to tend to bind spontaneously and form vesicles. The scientists have conducted different trials on the formation of membranes of the first cells that appeared on Earth, among which the ability to produce vesicles in different media has been studied. In water with alcohol, the formation of stable membrane vesicles has been observed.

However, the addition of sodium chloride, calcium ions, or magnesium to water results in unstable and fragile membranes. Despite the fact that the concentration of ions is less than the present in the sea, the membranes are broken.

For this reason, researchers believe that the first cells that appeared on Earth were formed in fresh water. The geologists of the University of Arizona say that there are data that can reinforce this theory. For example, the oceans of that time were much more salty than the current ones. This makes it very difficult to form membranes.

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