
Geranio of long life

2005/05/09 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The geranium is a hard plant that must in part be imposed on windows and balconies. In addition, it is beautiful, so it is ideal to decorate the area. Now the researchers have achieved the plant that lasts longer. And it is of the same genus as the geraniums.

This long-life plant is the Regal pelargonium. Its flowers are of the size of the common geranium, but have a special aspect and its color. The flowers are white and the two upper petals have traces of wine colour.

Such a peculiar flower, however, does not emerge randomly, but is a compensation of thirty years of work. The researchers have managed to select and cross the appropriate plants and are proud of the result. The plant produces numerous flowers and the flowering lasts longer than in the plants of the same group. In addition, cutting the flowers and placing them in the container, do not shake or wrinkle after two weeks. This is due to its lower sensitivity to ethylene.

The University of Pennsylvania, in the United States, has achieved the superflower and is scheduled to market it in the spring of next year.