
Vitamins yes, vitamins no

1996/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Corrupt suspicions can be found everywhere, undoubtedly one of the most widespread is that vitamins serve to complete all deficiencies. In France they have already realized this risk and if you want to take for good the report made by some health organizations, access to certain vitamins will be really difficult, since they intend to prevent its sale in the market.

The effects of vitamin C overdoses are high. A group of French researchers investigate this and demand that certain vitamin compounds be banned.

It is also known that not all vitamins are the same. They warn that substances rich in minerals are marketed in conditions of being consumed at high doses and are very harmful to public health. Vitamin compounds that have a high amount of selenium, zinc, and fluoride have been considered dangerous and are listed as “prohibited” substances.

Although the problem can be avoided in smaller doses, keep in mind that continued administration of the medication also carries serious risks. In this sense, the report refers to health problems caused by vitamin C overdose, but no scientific consensus has been reached. Vitamin supporters and detractors have found the perfect excuse to move with each other.

The prohibition imposed in France can extend the debate on vitamins to all of Europe. Gaitzerdi, as we consume vitamins without currently discussing or seeing potential risks.

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