Only meeting time
1996/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

They have spent about three years studying the behavior of birds that are planted in trees. The most important part of the work has had to be done at night. It was a matter of analyzing what the birds that pose forming groups in the dark do. The task has not been easy, but everything points to the fact that it has been possible to affirm the widespread belief among biologists, which is worth it.
Corvus corax candles are usually put together in groups at night. Biologists considered that at that time the sources of food were communicated, thus ensuring the survival of the whole group. And what was but a conviction, just confirmed the brave group of biologists.
Apparently, the candles are headed during the day in search of remains of dead animals and, as soon as they find something, they are warned with signs easily recognizable by the companions. The discoverer then becomes team leader. Therefore, if they have to exchange information, the “meetings” of the night are an ideal meeting place and it has already been confirmed that they do so. It is the result of three years of work.

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