
Video and phone by hand

1996/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The photo phone uses the new video system that allows you to receive pictures in addition to the phone conversation.

The device you can see in the attached picture will soon be the latest fashion tip, at least in Japan. The Matshita company has put on the market, but for the moment it is in the phase of experimentation. The phone uses a new video system that allows, in addition to the telephone conversation, to receive images. In principle, the new device will only collect the image of the phone caller, but in the future it will be able to make normal use of the video system, that is, recording and playback.

Before marketing the new device, experiments have been conducted on the Japanese telephone network. In fact, the video phone has brought numerous technical barriers. On the one hand, they have had to solve the problem of the video system and the miniaturization of the phone. On the other hand, they have had to use new data understanding systems to avoid confusion when collecting the image and audio together. The increase in the amount of information carried by waves has caused the saturation of several channels.

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