By the way, without rule
2007/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

An American pharmaceutical company is testing a new birth control pill. It is called Lybrel and now ends the III. Phase 1. Comparing the conventional pill with contraceptives highlights the need to take Lybrel daily.
Birth control pills are usually given for 21 days, leaving a week without taking. During this time the woman has a rule. However, this month is not the same as when you do not take the pill, there is a bloodshed but there is no previous ovulation.
It seems that more and more doctors believe that this pouring of blood can only cause discomfort, so it is best to avoid it. And that’s what you get with the Lybrel pill: as you take below, women do not have menstruation. Also, with menstruation the discomfort suffered by many women disappears. This is apparently the main advantage of this pill.
According to the pharmaceutical company, it is as effective as the conventional pill, but it has a remarkable collateral effect: 40% of clinical trial participants have been unexpected. On the other hand, it should be noted that although the test lasted for one year, 60% of participants stopped taking the pill before the end of the year.

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