
From the age of two, language learning is more difficult

2005/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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According to some Indianapolis researchers, it is advisable that before the age of two the implant is installed for deaf children, since from there the learning capacity of the language is decreasing.

It was known that boys and girls receive the language base up to two or three years of age, but it has been a surprise to see that later both the ability to learn the language is reduced.

The research was conducted with 96 children up to 4 years old who have undergone an implant. It seems that students between two years of age easily learned the language and those between three and four years of age made it slower. In view of this, it is advisable to put the implants as far as possible before the two years, according to these researchers, as is done today at approximately twelve months. However, other experts have insisted that this is the best time to learn the language of signs, and that once the implant is installed the language of signs should not be abandoned.