
Only two constants to describe the universe

2008/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Only two constants to describe the universe
01/02/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: ANDÉN)

There are three basic colors that can be achieved by combining the others. In physics something similar occurs to define the universe; physicists affirm that three elemental physical constants can deduce all others. But perhaps they are not three, according to a group of Brazilian physicists, two constants are sufficient to strengthen all the physics of the universe. There is no other alternative.

The constants that until now were considered necessary are the speed of light, the constant of gravitation and the constant of Planck. The first indicates how the light moves, the second the force that generates gravity and the third the relationship between the frequency and the energy of a wave.

For Brazilian physicists, the speed of light is fundamental to define the universe, but the other two can join in a single constant. For this purpose they propose not to use mass references. The two constants are defined by kilogram, but this reference is not necessary. And if the kilogram is removed, the two constants can be added to form one. Using the new constant and speed of light, they say that the physics of the universe is consolidated.

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