
Alga autocurativa

2005/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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The caulerpa taxifolia expands rapidly. Just divide a part to create a new organism. The original only remains a wound that closes it immediately. In fact, scientists have researched how it heals the wound and have discovered that it makes it with a special and effective adhesive.

C. taxifolia is a unicellular organism that can reach several meters in length. When injured, a compound that is inside the cell, caulerpenin, is divided by an enzyme. Consequently, a molecule called oxytocin 2 is formed. This molecule binds immediately to proteins, forming a rubber gel in 30 seconds. Before an hour the room hardens and the wound is healed.

The researchers never saw this type of mechanism in unicellular organisms and are now studying whether something can be done to eliminate C. taxifolia mediterraneo. It is an invasive algae in the Mediterranean that causes serious damage to its ecosystem. The more you know about the algae, the more possibilities there is of inventing an effective way against it.