
Vaccinations against baztango in the USA

2002/12/13 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

George W, president of the United States (USA). Bush promises to vaccinate 500,000 military personnel to fight smallpox. In addition, this vaccination campaign is expected to include doctors and firefighters who later work in police and emergency services. And by 2004 the White House proposes that everything it wants be integrated into the US.

But did the smallpox not disappear? Yes, in 1980 the disease was considered disappeared worldwide. Moreover, the latest additions were made in the US in 1972. But once the disease disappeared, smallpox samples were stored in the US. and Russia to be raw material for the vaccine in case of reappearance. About a year ago the debate arose about the elimination of these samples and it was decided that no.

Now, local authorities fear a biological attack and in the press have campaigned hard around this risk. In particular, they say they fear that Iraq will have samples of baztanga and use them as a biological weapon.

The question is whether it makes sense to introduce people to protect themselves from a disease that does not exist. In addition, this can mean the death of one in every million people, that is, if the whole population is integrated, it can die about 300; one in every 300,000 vaccinated can have encephalies, especially children and older people and 15-25% of encephalies are fatal and the rest have serious consequences. People with skin diseases and reduced immunity also have problems. It is also estimated that of a million people vaccinated, about a thousand should go to the doctor and that a third would have enough discomfort not to go to work or school.

All of these data look alarmist, but isn't it a pretty alarmist insertion campaign?

In Europe, for the moment, no vaccination campaign of this type is expected. Well, leaving aside the more than a thousand military and components that will integrate into the UK.

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