
Two new boats?

2002/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Physicists from the Fermilab laboratory announce that they have discovered two new particles from the proton and neutron group. This type of particles, the barions, are made up of three quarkes. There are six types of quarks that are formed combined by three. For example, protons are formed by two quark-u and a quark-d.

But in known baryons so far the quark-c type did not participate. Two of these characteristics have been detected in the Fermilab laboratory. The ingredients of the first are two quark-c and a quark-d, while those of the second are two quark-c and a quark-u. However, other scientists from the same laboratory have questioned the appearance of new barions in these experiments.

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