Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
Bapo saturated and then sing
2002/12/11 Elhuyar Zientzia

The txantxangorris give color to the winter. But they also give the melody, as they sing at any time, even at small hours. Most birds sing mainly in spring-summer to attract couple and/or protect the territory, among others. And why does txantxangorri also sing in winter?
It seems to be a sign of bapo. In more scientific terms, it has enough energy to claim that the territory is theirs when it is well eaten; it can take time for it. However, if you have food shortages or are very cold, you don't have enough energy to spend on chanting.

eu es fr en ca gl
Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia