
Bacterial suppositories for HIV protection

2003/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

They have developed a new method of protecting HIV in sexual relations: transgenic bacteria in the female vagina. In the vagina bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus grow and scientists have found that lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide are capable of destroying the HIV virus.

To increase the natural capacity of bacteria, genetic engineering has been used. The bacteria have included the CD4 receptor known for the HIV virus in human cells, which facilitates their binding and destruction of the virus.

With this new method they want to develop what will be the substitute of the condom and anticipate that it will be a suppository of Lactobacillus. First, however, they should ensure that transgenic bacteria do not cause other infections in the vagina.

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