Confirm increased likelihood of climate change fires
2024/08/14 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to the 2023-2024 fire report, the fires that occurred during this period in Canada and Amazonia, in addition to being unprecedented, were, to a large extent, a consequence of climate change. The report, drawn up by several universities and centres in the United Kingdom, also covers the consequences of forest fires, such as the emission into the atmosphere of 8.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, 17% more than the average of previous years. And the damage was not only environmental, but also seriously affected people: death, health problems, loss of life...
The authors of the report have made it clear that the fires have occurred particularly in Canada, in the western Amazon and in Greece. In these places, the increase in the likelihood of fires due to climate change has been calculated and it has been concluded that in Greece this probability doubled at least two, in Canada it tripled and, finally, it was 20 times higher in Amazonia. They warn that if greenhouse gases continue to be emitted, the trend in the future will be even worse.

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