Car filter
1998/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

German Mercedes and BMW start installing gas filters on the ventilation and air conditioning circuits of their large cars. These filters are manufactured by the 3M house and are mainly intended for filtering ozone, sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides that are formed from the combustion of hydrocarbons.
We know that prolonged exposure to inhalation of these gases is harmful to health and increases pollution on roads. In the analysis carried out, it has been observed that inside cars there is between two and three times more pollution than outside, since the ventilation system concentrates the gases inside the car.

The gas filters also serve to eliminate at the same time the bad smells of the ride inside the car. They use active coal. The 3M house also proposes a particle filter called Filtrete. In it, along with active carbon, is another material composed of fibers that are charged electrically during its manufacture. The rectangular section of the fibers and the electrostatic charge establish a barrier to prevent the entry of fine particles (fine particles of soot, metal, asbestos, rubber, pollen, etc.) inside the vehicle through the ventilation system. The effectiveness of this barrier is 80% when the particles are 0.5 microns and 100% when they are 5 microns or higher.
The gas filter must be modified 10 thousand or 15 thousand kilometers away from the vehicle depending on environmental pollution and for each replacement part 3,750 pesetas. Valid (150 lbs).

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