The underground treasure of Australia
2003/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In Australia they have discovered a hitherto unknown truffle genre: Amarrendia. It belongs to the same family as the poisonous Amanita phaloides, of white colour and canic size. According to scientists, the discovery is one more example of Australia's wealth, where more than 90 species of truffle and more than 300 species have been seen. In addition, 35% of these genera and 95% of the species do not exist.
Truffles are essential in the Australian ecosystem. They are necessary for eucalyptus and other tree species, since they directly affect the structure and health of the soil. On the other hand, marsupials like a lot and thanks to this they help to expand the spores.

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