Advances in ophthalmology
1992/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Barcelona hosts the 2nd international edition on ophthalmology. in which the most prestigious ophthalmologists in the world have participated.

Topics covered include new eye surgery techniques, diabetic vitrectomy, glaucoma treatment methods, corneal infections, and corneal transplants.
However, within refractive surgery highlights myopia surgery treated with Excimer Laser. In this sense, Professor Pita Salorio, in 1991, realized the cuts made with this technique in Barcelona.
To date, 7,000 miopes have been treated worldwide with the technique called Excimer Laser. The patient who has undergone this technique has no pain or anesthesia. In addition, in all cases the diopter level has been improved. Especially in cases of 6-7 or less diopters 95% of the diopter is removed.

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