Yesterday the Ig Nobel prizes were awarded
2003/10/03 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

In total ten Ig Nobel prizes are distributed each year, and it seems that they are increasingly successful among researchers, since this year, only for the Ig Nobel Interdisciplinary, they have had to choose between 5,000 candidates.
The winners have not done any research, as they have concluded that men and chickens have the same models of beauty, at least in Sweden. In fact, they trained chickens to photograph men and women and apparently chained more photos of muscular men, and longer women with good lips. It is also the most successful Swedish teenagers. The conclusion is clear: both use the same models to choose their favorite partners. It is unknown whether research has been conducted on chicken farms to check whether the physical appearance of operators influences the performance of the nursery. Grief.

It is also a shame that on the website of the
Ig Nobel Prize in Chemistry everything is written in Japanese, because the doves of the city of Kanazawa we have remained unaware why they do not love a bronze statue. Yukio Hiros has performed a chemical analysis of the state by checking that the state did not attract pigeons. Why? Will Japanese pigeons have the
same beauty patterns as Swedish chickens? If the Bronze State gets muscles, long hair and precious lips, will pigeons want more?
Perhaps London taxi drivers answer these difficult questions. In fact, seven researchers from University College there have shown that London taxi drivers have more brain development than the rest of the city's inhabitants. Taxi drivers are forced to keep in mind many tours and shortcuts, so the hippocampus, a region of the brain, is greater than the rest of Londoners. This is what the researchers say and that is why they will receive the Ig Nobel in Medicine.

The Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine has travelled to London, but the Australian John Culvenor could also win, since the research that has granted him the Ig Nobel in Physics focused on the back pains of people who cut hair to sheep. Culvenor, a labor safety consultant, has measured the most suitable soil for dragging sheep: a wooden floor with slopes formed by splints. Culvenor, despite going to collect the prize, takes very seriously the research, as many haircutters suffer back problems by dragging the sheep on inadequate grounds.
Culvenor may be right, and other honorees yesterday would also be serious about their research, but we haven't wanted to miss the opportunity to have some fun before they reach the most formal Nobel laureates to be announced next week.
Additional information:
Ig Nobel Prizes more fun than Novels in Sweden

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