Reverse in the fight against polio
2007/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The largest vaccine polio outbreak has taken place in northeastern Nigeria. In the same area, a few years ago, doubts about vaccine safety prevented the vaccination campaign, and the fact that an outbreak is now a blow to the global eradication of the disease.
According to those responsible for the campaign to eliminate polio, the simple vaccine given orally, that is, the tribalent vaccine with weakened virus is safe. But it seems that children in northeastern Nigeria had a weak immune system, so the vaccine virus has been strengthened and has caused the appearance.
The outbreak was detected in September 2006 and was immediately warned by the World Health Organization and Nigerian health officials, but was not disseminated for fear of strengthening anti-vaccine views. Now, seeing that cases of poliomelitis are increasing, they have made it public and stressed the importance of continuing the campaign.
Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan remain the only countries with cases of poliomelitis, and if you get rid of the virus in them would be the second disease that is eliminated by vaccination after smallpox.

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