The Athenians had limited visibility
2003/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Researchers from the UK have rebuilt Plericles' odeon through a virtual reality and the result has been surprising: the columns of the theater prevented nearly half of the spectators from seeing the stage. Researchers have based themselves on archaeological data and references to writings of the time to know how theater is virtually reconstructed and how it was used.
The odeon of Pericles was the closed theater of the first built in Athens. BC. It was built around 450 and had a capacity for about three thousand spectators. The Athenians went to odeons to listen to music and poems, and in this case at least, the architects did not find it essential to see the actors, in addition to listening to the actors.
This work is an example of the Theatron project. Theatron is a project promoted by the European Union to teach the history of theatre through virtual reality and new technologies.

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