Asteroids rely on Van der Waals forces
2010/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The forces of Van der Waals that are usually associated with atoms and molecules are those that support the particles of small asteroids, according to some scientists from the Universities of Colorado and Nottingham.
Many small asteroids spin at vertiginous speed and have a very low gravity force, although they have surface particles of dust or matter of different sizes. In a study on the importance of known forces in these asteroids, scientists have considered that such small gravitational force cannot be able to retain particles, and electrostatic forces of attraction have also been considered null.
However, it has been proven that the forces of Van der Waals have a great influence among particles of diameter less than one meter. This force is not proportional to the mass and volume of the particles, but to the surfaces of the particles in contact. Thus, the smaller the particles, the greater the importance of the forces of Van der Waals.

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