
New antiasthma treatment

2000/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

People with allergies such as asthma usually take corticosteroids to fight the disease, but corticosteroids can cause serious side effects such as osteoporosis, increased blood pressure, cataracts, and stunting in children. Studies in the United States have shown that anti-IgE-IgE is an antibody we have in the body and is responsible for asthma and allergies.

After testing with several patients, nearly half of them completely abandoned corticosteroid use in several weeks, and not only that, but also improved patients' asthma response.

Anti-IgE blocks the IgE antibody and takes it out of the blood. Treatment offers great advantages and researchers are demonstrating the validity and safety of the drug.

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