
Alone at risk

1995/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In view of the rapid development of recent years, health researchers have been surprised and concerned. Concerned about the speed of development and its possible side effects. The French Institute for the Development of Health and Medicine, INSERM, published in March a report on the development of health techniques, providing new data on this controversy.

Researchers talk about the pressure they bear when marketing new health techniques due to excessive market demand.

Researchers talk about the pressure they bear when marketing new health techniques due to excessive market demand. In particular, researchers have denounced the impossibility of verifying the effects of new treatments. The researcher of the institute Jean Rosa pointed out that “health techniques have opened many doors to us. On the contrary, we have not had time to look at what is behind the door and by chance we take our patients. Unfortunately we cannot draw attention because we do not know the potential risk of new treatments.”

The report released by the INSERM has divided three main treatment groups: gene-based therapy, organ transplantation, and implants. Although contraindications have been determined in these three groups, the nature of the conclusions is not yet known. The spokespersons of the INSERM Institute have stated that the objective of the report is to make a detailed description of possible conclusions, but to raise awareness among researchers.

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