The egg as an example of quality proteins
1999/06/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
As we indicated with the title, the egg protein has very good nutritional values, the best of all foods. Because the body has all the amino acids it needs in the right proportion. However, despite the fact that the proteins contained in the eggs are very good, the consumption of the clear in crude does not benefit at all our body, since the avidine containing it prevents the absorption of the vitamin biotin. Therefore, it is recommended to heat or beat the egg white, thus eliminating the avidina. The clear contains 10% protein, 88% water and 0.03% fat and is very poor in vitamins and minerals compared to yolk. The components of the bud are: 17% protein, 47% water, 33% fat and dissolved in it a lot of vitamins, especially A and D, and among minerals, especially iron.

As is already known, the egg is a rich source of cholesterol, but in general it does not provide as much fat. An egg contains 5.5 g of fat, of which 250 mg of cholesterol. A slice of meat contains 16.5 g of fat and 105 mg of cholesterol. Therefore, in short, it has more cholesterol but less fat in general and some of them, such as lecithin, are necessary to clear the memory and keep the arteries clean.
When buying this simple meal, bear in mind that the eggs must be complete and clean. Likewise, the greater the expiration date the better. If you still have any doubt, try: put the egg in a salted container, if it is fresh it will sink, and if it is old it will rise.
If you want to help your body by maintaining an adequate level of blood fat, eat an egg every time and at most 4 per week. The one that presents the most digestive problems is hardened egg, while the one that gives the least is the wrong or temperate (little watery). On the other hand, if in the preparation of the tortilla you use preferably vegetable products, there are two reasons, the first because they do not contain cholesterol and the second because they help to remove part of the cholesterol that contains the egg. This does not occur in tortillas with sausages. To finish, tell you that occasionally eating a fried egg will not hurt you.

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