
Cell eggs to create sperm from fish

2006/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cell eggs to create sperm from fish
01/04/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: From archive)

A team of Japanese researchers has obtained eggs from the spermatogonies of the fishes -precursor cells of the sperm. In the laboratory experiment it has been tried to analyze what happens with the seed to then draw conclusions about the sexual intercourse of certain species of fish.

In the experiment, after marking the spermatogony of fishes with a fluorescent marker, male and female fishes were introduced into the belly. Of this marked spermatogony, 39% of male fish developed sperm. But the truth is that 37% of the females developed eggs. In addition, ovules developed from spermatogonia were artificially inseminated and ensured their fertility.

Research will help to understand how some tropical fish species perform sex exchange according to convenience. In fact, when there are no males around, some females change sex and become males. In the same way, if there are more than one male around, except one, all become females.

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