
Professional photographers everywhere

2001/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Through a new technology developed by NASA, amateur photographers can take photos professionally. The name of this system is Retinex Imaging Processing, initially designed to be able to take pictures of the Earth remotely, but realizing that it can also be useful for regular consumers, TruView Imaging obtained the NASA license to incorporate this system into conventional cameras. This system can mimic the characteristics of human vision, so in the photo you see one as if you were seeing that landscape.

When using the digital system, even though the photographer is a very good professional, the color quality is lost unintentionally. Instead, the Retinex system automatically fixes these errors. This type of image manipulation is already widespread but requires manual control. The Retinex system automatically corrects brightness, contrast and color.

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