
Weight loss hormone

2004/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Leptin is a hormone produced in adipose tissue. This hormone was known for decreased appetite for brain action and was used in thinning treatments. Now researchers have found another property.

Injecting a virus that expresses the leptin gene in rats, they have found that it has a great influence on adipose tissue. This is because it causes the burning of the lipids of this tissue, which lost 30% of body weight in 14 days. According to the researchers, leptin reduced cell volume and virtually eliminated fat reserves, while increasing the mitochondrial level. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy and burning lipids. In addition, they have not seen side effects.

But, if adipose tissue produces leptin, why does it not affect the organism that produces it? According to the researchers, adipose tissue blocks the action of endogenous leptin to protect energy reserves. According to them, pharmacological inactivation of this mechanism can be a solution to the problems of obesity.

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